Cats of Durban is about….. the cats of Durban
There are many wild cats, stray cats and feral cats in Durban that do a sterling job of keeping the city clear of rats and other vermin, including cockroaches.
This site is meant to encourage and thank businesses and individuals who adopt and care for their stray and feral colonies. It also gives information and progress on cat projects, supplies links for information on ferals and strays, and updates the work of the organisations in Durban who look after feral and stray cats.
Don’t wait
Don’t wait until you find a litter of kittens.
Don’t wait until you can’t afford to feed them all.
Don’t wait until inbreeding causes illnesses.
Don’t wait until they show up injured.
Don’t wait until your neighbors are upset with you.
Don’t wait until the situation overwhelms you.
If you see one or two cats, don’t wait. It’s so easy to trap and fix 2 cats in comparison to 30!
Don’t make things harder than they have to be. If you care enough to feed them, reach out to local organizations to see if there is anyone who can assist you in fixing them. We are here to help you.
Contact us at