We are trying to sterilize five thousand cats a year. With your help, we can do it.
We have various ways to make it easy for you to make your contribution.
You can either pay through the Donate button (credit card or bank account), or send an sms, or scan your Zapper app.
A sterilisation costs R500. You can either sponsor a full sterilization, or a part of one.
Banking details:
Cats of Durban Standard Bank Br Code: 042526 Acc: 056 592 523
Please use your name as the reference. If your donation is specifically to buy catfood, please add FOOD to your name. Your donation will then be ring-fenced for the purchase of food.
We will acknowledge all donation if we have your contact details.
We supply tax certificates for donations (Under section 18A of the Tax Law), so please email Lindsay Bisset at admin@catsofdurban.co.za with your payment confirmation should you require a tax certificate
Our mission statement says that no donations are ever used for administrative or running costs, they are only ever paid over to vets for sterilizations or minor medical conditions (or, for our new mission, to bulk-buy food). So your kind donation is ALWAYS for the benefit of the cat!